Printing and copying

Students may print out and make copies using the university’s student printers and copiers. SEK 50 in printing/copying credit is available to new students - once this is used up you must pay off the credit and zero your balance if you want to continue making printouts/copies.

There are six print queues in this printing portal:
megrez \ 1.A4_black/white double-sided
megrez \ 2.A4_colour double-sided
megrez \ 3.A3_black/white double-sided
megrez \ 4.A3_black/white single-sided
megrez \ 5.A3_colour double-sided
megrez \ 6.A3_colour single-sided

The queue's name tells you its settings, so choose the queue depending on the type of document. The top two queues are for A4 prints, while the remaining 4 are for A3. All prints sent via the colour queues will be charged with the cost of colour printing, regardless of whether the document was in black and white or colour. If you send a colour print through a colour queue, please make sure you use a colour printer when printing it out. Your credit balance will not be refunded if you choose the wrong queue for printing or the wrong printer.

Single-sided printing

If you need an A4 single-sided print out, you can borrow one of the university's computers (in the library or the ICT suites). If you use Word to manage your documents, select your print settings and then choose single-sided.

Prices for printing and copying:

SEK 0.56 Black/white A4 single side
SEK 1.04 Black/white A4 double-sided

SEK 1.67 Colour A4 single side
SEK 3.26 Colour A4 double-sided

SEK 1.11 Black/white A3 single side
SEK 1.93 Black/white A3 double-sided

SEK 2.50 Colour A3 single side
SEK 4.71 Colour A3 double-sided

Refunds for problems with printing

Please visit Infocenter for information about refunds.

Refunds for print credit. Log in to your settings in the printing system, then choose refund for the print you want a refund for. Enter the reason why. Poor quality print-outs must be given to Infocenter for a refund.

Activate your SH-Card for printing

  1. Place the card against the card reader.
  2. The display will light up and a box appear with the heading “PaperCut”
  3. Click on the field “Username”. A digital keyboard will appear. Enter your user ID (Username, without “”). Do the same for the “Password” field (the same password you use to login to computers).
  4. Press “Associate Card” in the printer display

Print credit

All students get a print credit of SEK 50. When you have used up your print credit, you must refill it to be able to continue using the printing and photocopying system.

How do I refill my print credit?

Log in to the printing portal and choose Nollställ utskriftskredit. In the printing portal, you can pay SEK 50, 100 or 200 with a credit card to repay the credit. If you know that are going to use more than SEK 50 or 150, you can top up to SEK100 or 200.

NB! Any positive balance in your print credit will not be refunded.

There are six print queues in the printing portal:

megrez \ 1.A4_black/white double-sided

megrez \ 2.A4_colour double-sided

megrez \ 3.A3_black/white double-sided

megrez \ 4.A3_black/white single-sided

megrez \ 5.A3_colour double-sided

megrez \ 6.A3_colour single-sided

The name of the queue tells you its setting, so choose the right queue for the document type. The top two queues are for A4 prints and the last four are for A3.

All prints sent via colour queues will be charged with the cost of colour printing, regardless of whether the document is in colour or not.

If you send a colour print through a colour queue, make sure you go to a colour printer to print it.

Your credit balance will not be refunded if you choose the wrong queue or the wrong printer.

Single-sided printing: If you need to make single-sided A4 printouts, use one of the university's computers and adjust the print settings in Word.

Where are the printers and copiers?

Printers are in UB 515, UB 614, MA 321 (corridor), MA 454 (corridor), ME 252A and ME 252B.

Copiers are in UB 515, UB 614, UB 614 (colour copier/printer) and in the corridors/outside MA 219 (colour copier/printer), MA 321, MA 454, MA 517, MA 636.

Can I print out from my own computer?

Yes, when you are on campus you can print out documents from a private computer via the printing portal. Printouts are in a queue for 24 hours, after this they are removed if you haven’t collected them.

You must be connected to the Eduroam or SHguest network if you want to print documents from your computer.

You can now print straight to Studentprint (Papercut for students) using your own computer.

This is done via the Mobility Print service.

  • Connect t a wireless network: Eduroam or Shguest.
  • Surf to Mobility print External link.
  • Depending on your operating system, you will be able to install support for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Chrome OS or Android.
  • The username for installing Mobility Print is your login account, but without at the end.

Once the service has been installed, you should be able to print straight to the printing system.

Questions about the payment system or printing? Contact Infocenter via