
Steering committee:

Chair of steering committee: Kristina Riegert

Director of studies: Liudmila Voronova

Members: Malin Gawell (business studies), Johanna Mannergren Selimovic (political science), Thomas Marmefelt (economics), Dominika V. Polanska (social work), Kristina Riegert (journalism), Steven Saxonberg (sociology).

PhD student representatives: Alexandra Allard (economics), Luisa Bandeira Coelho (social work), Sofia Beskow (sociology), Victoria Colesnic (journalism), Mounia El hajjari Borg (business studies), Alexander Hjelm (political science).

Secretary: Lina Lorentz External link.

Researchers, doctoral students and other employees:

Saeid Abbasian

Saeid Abbasian

Associate Professor

Subject Coordinator

Senior Lecturer

I am senior lecturer in Tourism Studies, coordinator of Tourism subject, coordinator of Master's programme in Tourism Studies, and I am representative in the board of school.

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


Alexandra Allard

Alexandra Allard

Doctoral Student

My research areas are environmental and resource economics, with a focus on maritime resources and sectors.

Social Sciences


Ester Appelgren

Ester Appelgren

Associate Professor

Head of School

Senior Lecturer

Associate professor in Journalism and PhD in Media Technology.

Social Sciences


Nicholas Aylott

Nicholas Aylott

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Ranjula Bali

Ranjula Bali


Professor of Economics

Social Sciences


Luisa Bandeira Coelho

Luisa Bandeira Coelho

Doctoral Student

My research is about Deaf experiences in the Health and well-being field and civil society.

Social Sciences


Mats Bergman

Mats Bergman


Competition policy, public procurement, competitive provision of elderly care & other welfare services, pharmaceutical pricing, regulation & deregulation, retailing and the city

Social Sciences


Hanna Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist

Hanna Bertilsdotter-Rosqvist

Senior Lecturer

Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist is a professor in Social work. Her research mainly concerns neurodiversity, autism and ADHD

Social Sciences


Sofia Beskow

Sofia Beskow

Doctoral Student

Doctoral Student in Sociology. Research focus: Consequences of policiary measures against radical nationalist social movements

Social Sciences


Simon Birnbaum

Simon Birnbaum


Senior Lecturer

Associate professor and senior lecturer in political science. Main research areas: political theory, welfare state research. Director of PPE program:

Social Sciences


Fredrika Björklund

Fredrika Björklund


My research is about surveillance including the relationship between trust and surveillance. I also teach political science at the School of Social Sciences.

Social Sciences


Jonas Björnerstedt

Jonas Björnerstedt

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Associate Professor of Economics

Social Sciences


Karin Borevi

Karin Borevi

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Erik Borg

Erik Borg


Professor of Business Administration. A researcher and lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences

Social Sciences


Marcus Box

Marcus Box

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Victoria Colesnic

Victoria Colesnic

Doctoral Student

My thesis explores journalists' work-related emotions, how journalists navigate their feelings alongside professional norms and the effect of emotional labor on their well-being.

Social Sciences


Peter Dobers

Peter Dobers


Programme Coordinator


Prof in Business Studies. Head of dep't for journalism. Program director for 2-year masters LeadSustain. Rectors Advisor Co-Creation. Dean of Faculty Board 2016-2022.

Social Sciences


Joakim Ekman

Joakim Ekman


Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)


Linda Ekström

Linda Ekström

Senior Lecturer

I am a political scientist with an interest in issues concearning teaching and learning in civics education

Social Sciences


Mounia El hajjari Borg

Mounia El hajjari Borg

Doctoral Student

Doctoral Researcher: corporate sustainability- sustainable management- social enterprises- Innovation and entrepreneurship- writing differently

Social Sciences


Magdalena Elmersjö

Magdalena Elmersjö

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Associate Professor in Social Work, Senior Lecturer in Social Work

Social Sciences


Katarina Elofsson

Katarina Elofsson


Katarina Elofsson's research is about international, national and regional environmental policy for water quality management, wildlife, biodiversity, and climate policy.

Social Sciences


Johan Eriksson

Johan Eriksson


International relations, specifically the politics of technology and expertise, space policy, and cybersecurity. I lead the project "Russia in Space".

Social Sciences


Hugo Faber

Hugo Faber

Doctoral Student

PhD student. My research concerns energy politics and the phasing out of nuclear and fossil energy.

Social Sciences


Paul Fuehrer

Paul Fuehrer


Head of Department

Senior Lecturer

Malin Gawell

Malin Gawell

Associate Professor

My research interest focuses on how people respond to challenges in different ways. Social entrepreneurship, social enterprises, and social innovation are examples of what I study.

Social Sciences


Ali Hajighasemi

Ali Hajighasemi


Professor of social policy

Social Sciences


Eva Hansson

Eva Hansson

I am a Senior Lecturer in political science and responsible for Political Science and International Relations at the School of Social Science.

Social Sciences


Alexander Hjelm

Alexander Hjelm

Doctoral Student

I am theoretically oriented researcher who is intrigued by the potential implications that technology have on our understanding and practice of democracy.

Social Sciences


Keyvan Hosseini

Keyvan Hosseini

Affiliated senior lecturer

Social Sciences

Anders Ivarsson Westerberg

Anders Ivarsson Westerberg

Associate Professor

Head of Department


Bengt Jacobsson

Bengt Jacobsson


Karl Magnus Johansson

Karl Magnus Johansson

Affiliated Professor

I am Affiliate Professor of Political Science. One of my areas of research is government communication. Web: link

Social Sciences

Ann-Cathrine Jungar

Ann-Cathrine Jungar

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Senior lecturer in political science. Research on populist radical right parties in Eurioe

Social Sciences


Eva Karlberg

Eva Karlberg

Senior Lecturer

Research: organization, social movements, civil society. Participate in the Horizon-project "Co-Creating Inclusive Intersectional Democratic Spaces Across Europe":

Social Sciences


Lisa Kings

Lisa Kings

Associate Professor

Subject Coordinator

Senior Lecturer

Elzbieta Korolczuk

Elzbieta Korolczuk



Elżbieta Korolczuk, Associate professor in sociology, her research involves: social movements, civil society, politics of reproduction and anti-gender campaigns.

Historical and Contemporary Studies

Sylwia Koziel

Sylwia Koziel

Senior Lecturer

Agnes Käll

Agnes Käll

Doctoral Student

I am a PhD student in business studies. My research concerns the regulatory development of anti-money laundering supervision in Sweden, Denmark, and Estonia from the 2000s onwards.

Social Sciences


Ann-Sofie Köping

Ann-Sofie Köping


Senior Lecturer

Sr Lecturer, Business Administration. Program Coordinator Cultural Management Program. Teaching in the Master's Program Leadership for Sustainable Development.

Social Sciences


Tommy Larsson Segerlind

Tommy Larsson Segerlind

Associate Professor

Programme Coordinator

Senior Lecturer

I am associate professor in Business Administration and program director for the bachelor program Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Markets. I am appointed as Excellent teacher.

Social Sciences


Lina Lorentz

Lina Lorentz

Research Officer

Mikael Lönnborg

Mikael Lönnborg


Ghani Majidi

Ghani Majidi

Senior Lecturer

I am lecturing macro and microeconomics. In addition, I teach welfare state politics. My main interest is political economy, public economics and political philosophy

Social Sciences

Milda Malling

Milda Malling

Doctoral Student

My research interest lies on formal and informal, visible and invisible interactions and relationships between journalists and their political sources.

Social Sciences

Johanna Mannergren Selimovic

Johanna Mannergren Selimovic

Associate Professor

Research Coordinator

I am Associate Professor with a research focus on peace processes. I am a Senior Lecturer at Political Science. I am Research Coordinator at CBEES.

Social Sciences


Thomas Marmefelt

Thomas Marmefelt

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Evolutionary economics, macroeconomics, monetary economics and financial institutions, innovations, cognition and institutions, monetary history, alternative monetary arrangements

Social Sciences


Joanna Mellquist

Joanna Mellquist

Doctoral Student

I work as sociologist at the Department of Social Sciences, Södertörn University, and carry out research focusing on the role of unelected experts in civil society

Social Sciences


Tony Mickelsson Blomqvist

Tony Mickelsson Blomqvist

Senior Lecturer

My research interests include sport, migration, and psychosocial development. My research is multidisciplinary and moves between individual- and organizational levels of these matt

Social Sciences


Gunnar Nygren

Gunnar Nygren


I am mainly doing research on local journalism, on the use of sources and fact checking. I am also teaching, mostly as superviser for thesis work.

Social Sciences

Pejvak Oghazi

Pejvak Oghazi


Head of department

Dr.Pejvak Oghazi is Professor and head of department of Business Studies. He is also head of Logistic Program at Sodertorn University, School of Social Sciences.

Social Sciences


Johanna Palmberg

Johanna Palmberg

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Apostolis Papakostas

Apostolis Papakostas


I am professor in sociology and director of research at Reinvent - the Centre for City Dynamics,

Social Sciences


Ella Petrini

Ella Petrini

Doctoral Student

My PhD-thesis investigates the links between working conditions and environmental impact of industrial forestry, and the relations between trade unions and environmentalists.

Social Sciences


Olena Podolian

Olena Podolian

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Kristina Riegert

Kristina Riegert


Global media, comparative journalism, conflict and crisis coverage, politicotainment, cultural citizenship

Social Sciences


Christopher Rosenqvist

Christopher Rosenqvist

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

My research and teaching is about how new technologies affect and change the ecosystem of actors in different industrial arenas with focus on AI and business modelling.

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


Sanita Rugina

Sanita Rugina

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

My research focuses on entrepreneurship at the individual level, the construction of entrepreneurial identity, gender perspectives and entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe.

Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)


Paulina Rytkönen

Paulina Rytkönen

Senior Lecturer

I am associate professor in Economic history and lecturer in Business Studies at the School of Social Sciences.

Social Sciences


Steven Saxonberg

Steven Saxonberg


I am a political sociologist, who writes about social policy, attitudes, social movements and civil society, totalitarianism, democratization, social change and populism.

Social Sciences


Shamima Shah

Shamima Shah

Financial officer


Finance and Auditing


Maria Smolander

Maria Smolander


Senior Lecturer

Stefan Svallfors

Stefan Svallfors


Social Sciences

Adrienne Sörbom

Adrienne Sörbom


I am Professor of sociology, and I study issues related to political organization, globalisation and democracy. I mainly teach on the use of qualitative methods and on democracy.

Social Sciences


Nazem Tahvilzadeh

Nazem Tahvilzadeh

My research and teaching deals with public administration, political theory and theory of democracy with a particular focys on policy processes and urban governance.

Social Sciences


Jani Turunen

Jani Turunen

Senior Lecturer

I teach within the Social Work programme and the Police Education Programme at Södertörn University. My research deals with issues of children and families and divorce/separations.

Social Sciences


Jaakko Turunen

Jaakko Turunen

Senior Lecturer

I am a researcher and teacher at the Academy of Public Administration and teach also in Social Work and Police Education.

Social Sciences


Liudmila Voronova

Liudmila Voronova

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

I teach and conduct research in the field of journalism studies. I am director of studies for PESO research area

Social Sciences


Noomi Weinryb

Noomi Weinryb

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Associate professor

Social Sciences


Magnus Wennerhag

Magnus Wennerhag


My research and teaching mainly concerns social movements, political participation, social stratification, climate protests, political violence, and sociological theory.

Social Sciences


Karin Winroth

Karin Winroth

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

My research focus on corporate culture, leadership in knowledge intensive firms, consumer culture, branding, social media, branding and digital entrepreneurship.

Social Sciences
