
Acting director: Per Bolin

Administrative staff: Vit Kysilka

Director of Studies: Florence Fröhlig

Researchers, teaching staff and other employees:

Mattias Alvarsson

Mattias Alvarsson

Doctoral Student

Doctoral student, Sociology

Social Sciences


Luisa Bandeira Coelho

Luisa Bandeira Coelho

Doctoral Student

My research is about Deaf experiences in the Health and well-being field and civil society.

Social Sciences


Helen Barbosa

Helen Barbosa

Doctoral Student

My research is on water governance and management, where I bring social entry points to understand the interaction between tecnhical aspect of urban water service and people

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


Mark Bassin

Mark Bassin


Senior researcher

Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)


Hamdija Begovic

Hamdija Begovic

Doctoral Student

Doctoral student; political sociology

Social Sciences


Christofer Berglund

Christofer Berglund

I conduct research on nationalism, state-building processes, and international affairs.

Social Sciences

Sofia Beskow

Sofia Beskow

Doctoral Student

Doctoral Student in Sociology. Research focus: Consequences of policiary measures against radical nationalist social movements

Social Sciences


Thea Bisander

Thea Bisander

Doctoral Student

I am a PhD student in Environmental Scienes. In my research I study greenhouse gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere, specifically in coastal regions.

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


Fredrik Bjarkö

Fredrik Bjarkö

Doctoral Student

I am a PhD student in History of Ideas since the autumn semester of 2021. In my PhD thesis, I am examining 19th century works on the history of philosophy.

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Johanna Björksten

Johanna Björksten

Doctoral student and lecturer at the Department of Social Work. My research concerns intimate partner violence.

Social Sciences


Asiya Bulatova

Asiya Bulatova



I am a researcher working on Soviet, European, and Anglo-American modernist literatures in their cultural, scientific, and biomedical contexts.

Culture and Education


Helene Carlbäck

Helene Carlbäck

Associate Professor


I do research on fatherhood, gender and the family in Russia, in a perspective of contemporary history , 1950-1990s,

Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)


Mikael Cleryd

Mikael Cleryd

Doctoral Student

Doctoral researcher

Culture and Education


Victoria Colesnic

Victoria Colesnic

Doctoral Student

My thesis explores journalists' work-related emotions, how journalists navigate their feelings alongside professional norms and the effect of emotional labor on their well-being.

Social Sciences


Cagla Demirel

Cagla Demirel

Research Assistant

Research interests: Competitive victimhood, conflict, peace, reconciliation.

Social Sciences


Dmitrii Dorogov

Dmitrii Dorogov


Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Political researcher at CBEES and lecturer at SH Gender Studies broadly interested in authoritarian biopolitics with a focus on Putinism.

Culture and Education


Joakim Ekman

Joakim Ekman


Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)


Mounia El hajjari Borg

Mounia El hajjari Borg

Doctoral Student

Doctoral Researcher: corporate sustainability- sustainable management- social enterprises- Innovation and entrepreneurship- writing differently

Social Sciences


Martin Englund

Martin Englund

Doctoral Student

My research is about collecting and analyzing life stories from the refugees who came from Poland to Sweden during the antisemitic campaign 1967-1972.

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Vera Ericson von Bahr

Vera Ericson von Bahr

Doctoral Student

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Fakhreddin F Rad

Fakhreddin F Rad

Doctoral Student

Hugo Faber

Hugo Faber

Doctoral Student

PhD student. My research concerns energy politics and the phasing out of nuclear and fossil energy.

Social Sciences


Mette Ginnerskov-Dahlberg

Mette Ginnerskov-Dahlberg

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Specializing in ethnography with a longitudinal methodology, my research focuses on student migration from Eastern to Western Europe.

Social Sciences

Yulia Gradskova

Yulia Gradskova

Associate Professor


I am the PI in the project "Maternity in the time of "traditional values" and femonationalism" supported by the ÖSS. I am also research coordinator at CBEES.

Culture and Education


Saga Hansén

Saga Hansén

Doctoral Student

Doctoral student in Media and Communication Studies / BEEGS. Writing a dissertation on cultural valuation practices, education media and digitization in Sweden and Estonia.

Culture and Education


Johan Hegardt

Johan Hegardt



I am a researcher in different projects.

Culture and Education

Nathalie Hinders

Nathalie Hinders

Doctoral Student

My research concern stone age ceramic craft at wetland sites around the Baltic Sea, in particular Alvastra pile dwelling in Sweden.

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Emma Kihl

Emma Kihl

Senior Lecturer

Emma Kihl is a senior lecturer in comparative literature. She defended her PhD-thesis on Agneta Enckell's poetry and Isabelle Stengers' Cosmopolitics in December 2023.

Culture and Education


Vit Kysilka

Vit Kysilka


Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)


Agnes Käll

Agnes Käll

Doctoral Student

I am a PhD student in business studies. My research concerns the regulatory development of anti-money laundering supervision in Sweden, Denmark, and Estonia from the 2000s onwards.

Social Sciences


Tora Lane

Tora Lane

Associate Professor


Culture and Education


Nicholas Lawrence

Nicholas Lawrence

Doctoral Student

Lelde Luik

Lelde Luik

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

My research interests are radical democratic and post-foundational political thought alongside discursive construction of political subjectivities in Eastern Europe.

Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)


Gustav Lundberg

Gustav Lundberg

Doctoral Student

Thomas Lundén

Thomas Lundén



Political geography, particularly sociopolitical analysis of cross-border contacts History of geopolitics Authochtonous minorities The concept of region The history of geographyy

Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)


Jay Lunze

Jay Lunze

Doctoral Student

Doctoral researcher in the History of Ideas. My focus is on how time was contextualized in the Baltic Region 1500 to 1800.

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Julia Malitska

Julia Malitska



Historical and Contemporary Studies


Johanna Mannergren Selimovic

Johanna Mannergren Selimovic

Associate Professor

Research Coordinator

I am Associate Professor with a research focus on peace processes. I am a Senior Lecturer at Political Science. I am Research Coordinator at CBEES.

Social Sciences


Payam Masarrat

Payam Masarrat

Doctoral Student

Doctoral researcher

Culture and Education


Douglas Mattsson

Douglas Mattsson

Doctoral Student

My main research interests deal with subcultures and religion in contemporary Muslim majority societies. I am currently resaerching the black metal music scene in Turkey.

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Tony Mickelsson Blomqvist

Tony Mickelsson Blomqvist

Senior Lecturer

My research interests include sport, migration, and psychosocial development. My research is multidisciplinary and moves between individual- and organizational levels of these matt

Social Sciences


Francesca Morini

Francesca Morini

Doctoral Student

Oldouz Nejadibabadaei

Oldouz Nejadibabadaei

Doctoral Student

I study social-spatial inequalities in segregated urban areas and the role of urban planning in advancing environmental and social justice in marginalized communities.

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


Nha Nguyen

Nha Nguyen

Doctoral Student

My PhD focuses on experiences of border-crossing, sexual violence and agency among Vietnamese undocumented immigrant women.

Culture and Education


Iwo Nord

Iwo Nord

I am a PhD-student as well as teacher in Gender Studies. My doctoral project is an ethnographic study of Belgrade as a local and global place for medical transition.

Culture and Education

Oscar Nygren

Oscar Nygren

Doctoral Student

I am researching the Swedish foreign policy engagement in the Baltic region, from 1914 to 1940. Both public opinion and the Swedish government's foreign policy are studied.

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Pejvak Oghazi

Pejvak Oghazi


Head of department

Dr.Pejvak Oghazi is Professor and head of department of Business Studies. He is also head of Logistic Program at Sodertorn University, School of Social Sciences.

Social Sciences


Lovisa Olsson

Lovisa Olsson


Historical and Contemporary Studies


Nikolina Oreskovic

Nikolina Oreskovic

Doctoral Student

In my research I explore urban community gardening and its role(s) for/in sustainability in Stockholm and Warsaw and in relation to different conceptualizations of sustainability.

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


Ella Petrini

Ella Petrini

Doctoral Student

My PhD-thesis investigates the links between working conditions and environmental impact of industrial forestry, and the relations between trade unions and environmentalists.

Social Sciences


Jennie Plate Blomberg

Jennie Plate Blomberg

Doctoral Student

Doctoral student in the theory of practical knowledge. I'm writing a thesis on Swedish and Finnish teachers' lived experience of boredom.

Culture and Education


Olena Podolian

Olena Podolian

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Oleksandr Polianichev

Oleksandr Polianichev



I am a historian of the Russian Empire, with a particular focus on the Caucasus and Ukraine.

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Emek Rahte

Emek Rahte

Visiting Research Fellow

I am a visiting researcher in Media and Communication Studies Department. My research interests are media ethnography, feminist theory and critical cultural studies.

Culture and Education

Aleksandra Reczuch

Aleksandra Reczuch

Doctoral Student

PhD-candidate in Ethnology at the Baltic and Eastern European Graduate School. My research interests include populism, political anthropology, state policies, gender, and identity.

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Jane Ruffino

Jane Ruffino

Doctoral Student

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Sanita Rugina

Sanita Rugina

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

My research focuses on entrepreneurship at the individual level, the construction of entrepreneurial identity, gender perspectives and entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe.

Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)


Paulina Rytkönen

Paulina Rytkönen

Senior Lecturer

I am associate professor in Economic history and lecturer in Business Studies at the School of Social Sciences.

Social Sciences


Irina Sandomirskaja

Irina Sandomirskaja


Professor of cultural studies, CBEES

Culture and Education


Rebecca Schlottau

Rebecca Schlottau

Doctoral Student

Doctoral student

Culture and Education


Thomas Sedelius

Thomas Sedelius


Project Researcher (Professor, PhD) in Political Science. Focus areas: comparative politics, Central and Eastern Europe, political institutions, executive and presidential power

Social Sciences


Tatiana Sokolova

Tatiana Sokolova

Doctoral Student

I research the interface between knowledge and governance for sustainability transformations: how knowledge, imagination and action are co-produced by diverse actors.

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


Patrick Spets

Patrick Spets

Doctoral Student

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies


Victor Trofimov

Victor Trofimov

Doctoral Student

My dissertation is an investigation of digital sex labor in webcamming in Russia in the context of the country's neoliberal labor market and the neo-traditionalist sexual politics.

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Oscar Törnqvist

Oscar Törnqvist

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Using archaeological and historical sources, I investigate the pre-modern ecology of the Baltic to form better ecological baselines for managing marine resources, mainly fish.

Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES)

Benjamin Wagner

Benjamin Wagner

Doctoral Student

Doctoral researcher

Culture and Education


Kseniia Zakharova

Kseniia Zakharova

Doctoral Student

I am a Doctoral student in environmental science. My interest is to study the relationships between people's aesthetic perception of landscapes and biodiversity.

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies
