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Academic writing and argumentation in English


Introduction to Academic Writing in English

15 credits

This course focuses on the basics of academic writing in English, including analysing different types of text, ways of presenting an argument and rhetorical strategies. You will discuss your own and others’ texts, such as reports and short essays, focusing on style and register, as well as the text’s structure and argumentation.

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Linguistic and cultural knowledge that is useful at work or at home Do you want to work in advertising and PR, translation and interpretation, politics, travel, journalism, international relations, cultural criticism? All these fields require skills in English and knowledge related to different cultures. Studying English at Södertörn University will help you use English, and language in general, in the most effective manner, allowing you to use these skills in advertising, politics or other in professions in which you need a high level of communicative skill. You will also gain the skills you need for employment in a workplace where English is the working language, which makes English a great supplement to other subjects. Studying English brings the opportunity to continue studying at Master’s level and beyond. Read about research in this subject
Basic strategies and critical analysis in academic writing in English On this course, you will learn and demonstrate basic skills in academic writing in English, which includes explaining and applying rhetorical strategies in the construction of text and the critical analysis of English-language texts as regards their language, structure and argument. The course also focuses on your own production of various types of academic texts in English, such as reports and short essays, and your use of relevant sources and argumentation when doing so. You will also be expected to provide constructive criticism of your own writing. Course design Teaching is in the form of lectures and seminars, and all teaching and course literature is in English. The course is examined through attendance and active participation, as well as the continuous assessment of written assignments.
A global language to help you understand the world English is a global language. Learning English opens doors to personal development and future success; you can study or work abroad, gain better understanding of the mechanisms in a multicultural society and think critically about many aspects of current societal and political problems. Learning a foreign language also brings new ways of looking at the problems in the world. English at Södertörn University specialises in teaching and research in English and fields directly linked to the subject, such as linguistics, literature and the culture of English-speaking countries. It encourages critical thinking about the links between historical, social and cultural circumstances, and well as examining how different social groups use language. Another aspect is that of how a language is learned and what influences the process.