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Moving from Sweden

What should you do when you are finished with your studies in Sweden? Here are quick facts about population registration for foreign students.

Student bakifrån med ryggsäck

If you move abroad from Sweden and plan to stay away for a year or longer, you should no longer be registered in Sweden. In such cases, you must notify the Swedish Tax Agency that you are moving abroad at least one week before departure. If you forget to submit the notification on time, you should send it as soon as possible. You will find the form SKV 7665b for download at External link, opens in new window..

If you move to another Nordic country

If you move to another Nordic country (Denmark, Finland, Iceland or Norway), the regulations of that country determine whether you are entered into its population register. You must notify the authorities in the other Nordic country of your move there, and inform the Swedish Tax Agency that you are leaving Sweden. You will be removed from the population register in Sweden once the other Nordic country has decided to register you in its population register.

When do you cease being registered in Sweden?

When you move to another country you cease being registered in Sweden as of the day you move away, as long as you have reported your move no later than on that day. If the notification is received by the Swedish Tax Agency later than that day, you cease to be registered in Sweden as of the day that the Agency received your notification.

What should you do if you return to Sweden after being de-registered?

If you move back to Sweden for further studies, work or other reasons you should again notify the Swedish Tax Agency. You should then use your personal identification number that you received the first time you registered in Sweden.

More information

You can find more information on External link, opens in new window..

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