English translation of course syllabus

Methods and theory of knowledge, 7.5 credits

(Vetenskaplig teori och metod, 7,5 högskolepoäng)

Course code 410011D
Discipline for doctoral studies Other subjects
Academic school School of Historical and Contemporary Studies
Research area for doctoral studies Historical Studies
Grading scale G
Education cycle Doctoral studentship
Language of instruction English
Valid from First half-year 2024


This course syllabus was validated by the Committee for Research and Doctoral Education at Södertörn University on 2024-01-16 according to the stipulations in the Higher Education Ordinance

Entry requirements

Admitted to doctoral studentship

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the doctoral student is able to:

After completing the course, the doctoral student is able to:

·        Critically review and discuss scientific theoretical problem areas, as well as theory and method debates relevant to subjects within Historical Studies,

·        reflect on the theoretical and methodological traditions of one's own subject within a broader humanities and social science context, understanding the connection between method, interpretative perspectives and theoretical position,

·        critically compare and assess different theories and methods, and reflect on and argue for a selected theory and a selected method in preparation of her/his thesis work. 

Course content, modules and examinations

The course aims to provide knowledge of current debates within theory and method, primarily in the subjects included within the research area Historical Studies. The course combines studies in each subject with a multidisciplinary ambition. The intention is to equip the doctoral student with area-specific knowledge of theory and method that can have an innovative and creative influence when writing the thesis that is authored in a specific subject.

Course design

Teaching is conducted through seminars.

Examination format

The course is examined through written and oral seminar assignments, active participation in seminar discussions and a concluding take-home examination.

The grading criteria are distributed prior to the start of a course or module.

If a student has a certificate from Södertörn University for compensatory support, the examiner has the right to decide on an adapted examination or alternative form of examination in accordance with Södertörn University's regulations.

Restrictions on accreditation

The course may not be accredited as part of a degree if the contents are partly or wholly the same as a course previously taken in Sweden or elsewhere.