Martin Gullström

Martin Gullström

Associate Professor


My research concerns subtopics such as seascape ecology, coastal blue carbon, seagrass ecology/physiology, food-web ecology, fish/fisheries science and global change.

Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies

+46 70 920 21 40 +46709202140



My research interests span over a multitude of scientific subdisciplines, such as seascape ecology, blue carbon, seagrass ecology/physiology, food-web ecology, fish and fisheries, social-ecological systems, and global climate/environmental change. The research is typically aimed to facilitate nature conservation, resource management and/or spatial planning of the coastal marine environment. In addition, I have more than twenty years of experience from research capacity building in the Global South (focusing on Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Madagascar, and Mauritius). Primarily, I have been working within the Sida-funded Bilateral Marine Science Program between Sweden and Tanzania and later also in a similar program between Sweden and Mozambique. These bilateral programs facilitate and encourage transformation of research, education, and conservation-related issues in the western Indian Ocean region.

RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS External link. External link.

RESEARCH GROUP WEBSITE (a new website is currently in preparation) External link.


Title: Climate change mitigation capacity of the Baltic coastal seascape: identification of hotspot environments for coastal blue carbon sequestration and guidance for sustainable management of the Baltic coastal landscapes under global change (CLIM-SCAPE)

Time period: 2022-2027

Funded by: The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies External link.

PI: Martin Gullström

Co-PIs: Elinor Andrén, Sara Sjöling, Kari Lehtilä, Thomas Kjellqvist (Södertörn University), Dorte Krause-Jensen (Aarhus University, Denmark), Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk (Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences), Andrius Garbaras (Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania), Kaire Torn (University of Tartu, Estonia), Mats Björk (Stockholm University), Maria Asplund, Hans Linderholm (University of Gothenburg), Other team members: Martin Dahl, Sara Braun, Sara Forsberg, Madhavu Vidya Faizal, Karin Ebert, Ekaterina Tarasova (Södertörn University), Diana Deyanova (University of Gothenburg), Pere Masqué (Edith Cowan University, Australia), Christoffer Boström (Åbo Akademi, Finland), Juliana Porsani (Lindköping University)

Title: Climate change mitigation capacity of Swedish coastal seascapes (CLIM-COAST)

Time period: 2022-2025

Funded by: FORMAS: A Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development

PI: Martin Gullström

Co-PIs: Elinor Andrén (Södertörn University), Mats Björk (Stockholm University), Maria Asplund, Hans Linderholm (University of Gothenburg)

Title: Coastal fisheries in Sweden: from a changing sea to a robust science-policy environment (SEA2POL+)

Time period: 2021-2025

Funded by: Sea and Society Graduate School in Transdisciplinary Ocean Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Sweden – Research and Technology Organisations External link.

PI: Milena Arias Schreiber (University of Gothenburg)

Co-PI: Martin Gullström, Other co-PIs: Hans Linderholm, Ingemar Bohlin, Eva Maria Jernsand (University of Gothenburg), Other team member: Elena Tamarit Castro (University of Gothenburg)

Title: EuropeAid funds: Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as actors of governance and development – work in the field in the Republic of Mauritius

Time period: 2020-2025

Funded by: Nature-based solutions for protecting the coastal zone

PI: Kathy Young (Reef Conservation, Mauritius),

Co-PI: Martin Gullström, Other Co-PI: Johan Hollander (World Maritime University), Other team members: Olivier Pasnin, Treshan Chinta, Lisa Ah Shee Tee, Sabine Avrillon (Reef Conservation, Mauritius)

Title: Management of cumulative effects of climate change and pollution in coastal seas

Time period: 2020-2024

Funded by: The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency External link.

PI: Martin Gullström

Co-PIs: Maria Granberg, Kerstin Magnusson (IVL), Peter Thor, Diana Perry (SLU Aqua), Iréne Wåhlström (SMHI), Other team members: Martin Dahl (Södertörn University), Sanne Bergman (UiT Norges arktiske universitet)

Title: Sensitivity of Swedish cod populations to global climate change stressors

Time period: 2020-2024

Funded by: The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency External link.

PI: Diana Perry (SLU Aqua)

Co-PI: Martin Gullström, Other Co-PIs: Håkan Wennhage, Filip Svensson (SLU Aqua), Albin Gräns (SLU), Michael Axelsson (University of Gothenburg)

Title: Climate mitigation services of coastal seascapes: providing guidance for sustainable management of hotspots for blue carbon sequestration in tropical developing countries

Time period: 2020-2024

Funded by: Vetenskapsrådet (VR): The Swedish Research Council

PI: Mats Björk (Stockholm University)

Co-PI: Martin Gullström, Other Co-PI: Maria Asplund (University of Gothenburg), Other team members: Thomas Lyimo (Dar es Salaam University, Tanzania), Mariam Hamisi, Liberatus Lyimo (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania), Jessica Silberman, Patti Oikawa (Cal State East Bay, USA)

Title: On the sustainability and management of marine and coastal resources in Mozambique

Research program: Bilateral Marine Science Programme between Sweden and Mozambique aimed to build and strengthen research capacity in Mozambique

Time periods: 2018-2024

Funded by: The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida),

Principal coordinator: Adriano Macia (Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique), Swedish coordinator: Mats Berggren (University of Gothenburg)

Senior adviser and supervisor: Martin Gullström

Title: Consolidating research and analytical capacity in fisheries and aquaculture technologies for food security, adapting to climate change, sustainable resource management and inclusive development

Research program: Bilateral Marine Science Programme between Sweden and Tanzania aimed to build and strengthen research capacity in Tanzania

Time periods: 2015-2023, 2024-

Funded by: The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Principal coordinator: Matern Mtolera (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania), Swedish coordinator: Mats Björk (Stockholm University)

Sub-coordinator, senior adviser, and supervisor: Martin Gullström

DiVA (Digitala Vetenskapliga Arkivet) is Södertörn University's system for digital publishing and for registering publications produced by researchers, teachers and students.


The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.