Helena Bergman

Helena Bergman

Associate Professor

Senior Lecturer

Associate professor in History, specializing in gender history. Director of PhD level studies/ Historical studies.

+46 8 608 43 76 +4686084376

Historical and Contemporary Studies


Helena Bergman is an associate professor in History at Södertörn University. Her research interests include gender, welfare state history, social and family policy, professionalization and knowledge production. She is currently involved in a research project on the intersections of science and policy within Swedish welfare politics, by the example of alcohol and substance abuse, together with Johan Edman and Lena Eriksson, Stockholm University. The project is funded by The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences.

A recent publication is the anthology Känslornas revolution: Kärlek, ilska och lycka under 1970-talet [The Revolution of Emotions: Love, Anger and Happiness in the 1970s] co-edited with Christina Florin and Jens Ljunggren (Stockholm 2017).

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The researcher is not participating in any projects at this moment.